JPM Industry celebrates 25 years of existence – 1/4 Century – Since 1994


JPM Industry started its activity in April 1994. In order to guarantee the presence of all its employees in the celebration of this important milestone, JPM Industry took advantage of the 2019 Christmas dinner to celebrate its 25 years of existence.

The company has unique memories, moments of great resilience and great success over the years. Our history does not exist without our employees and we are very grateful to them, as well as to all our customers and partners.


Celebration of 25 years of JPM Industry


The Chairman of the Board of Directors, José Paulo Martins da Silva, spoke during the celebration of JPM Industry’s 25th anniversary, describing the company’s path, from its formation to the present day.

  “Over these 25 years, we have won awards, distinctions and recognitions, because we are a robust and demanding company with a well-defined strategy, we know where we are and where we want to go …”

“… I feel that there is enthusiasm, strength and energy. We are active and we want to do things, we want to do more, we are compulsive entrepreneurs! We innovate, and today we are present in more than 40 geographies …” – Stresses the President.

During the message, also highlights the effort and determination of the entire team.

“… We work long hours, try to arrive early and leave late, we have an incredible capacity for suffering. We have the capacity to win, to succeed and to share it. We try not to give up, it’s in our DNA. We refuse to say that we are not capable, that we have not found solutions. We’ve been doing it for 25 years! … “

In the final part of his speech, José Paullo Martins da Silva, thanks all those who have worked with JPM Indústria, demonstrating the importance of maintaining good relations with all the integral parts of this community.

“… I am also very grateful to our Customers, Suppliers, Partners and Banks. We must treat them all with very much respect, because they have believed in us in an extraordinary way and because we want them to continue to share experiences, which are very important for the sustainability of our company … ”



“All together we build a team that shows itself driven towards the future and the changes that accompany us… We have grown continuously and today we are our best version. May the future begin now and reserve even more success and motivation. “ – Speech by José Paulo Martins da Silva




As it was considered a success case in cybersecurity by the computer security company SOPHOS (Leader on Gartner’s Magic Quadrant), JPM Industry was invited to participate in a round table at the annual event that took place at the Casino of Lisbon on 24 October 2019.


José Ribeiro CIO JPM Industry – Debate over the current cybersecurity situation.


At the meeting, JPM Industry spoke about its security strategy and the factors that distinguish it, having also participated in the debate, with experts in the area, on current issues related to cybersecurity considered critical, nationally and internationally.

JPM 4.0More



Designação do projeto | JPM 4.0
Código do projeto | NORTE-02-0853-FEDER-044823
Objetivo principal | Reforçar a competitividade das PME
Região de intervenção | Norte
Entidade beneficiária | JPM – Automação e Equipamentos Industriais, S.A.

Data de aprovação | 14-08-2019
Data de início | 01-08-2019
Data de conclusão | 31-01-2022
Custo total elegível | 1.506.684,85 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | FEDER – 376.671,21 EUR


A alteração fundamental do processo de produção da JPM, permitindo à empresa dar resposta às solicitações e entrar em segmentos mais exigentes através da implementação de métodos de fabrico associados à Indústria 4.0 e à construção de áreas de produção em ambiente controlado e de um laboratório.






JPM Industry, according to its strategy and way of acting, supports educational initiatives. We believe in the stimulation and professional preparation of students, within the institution itself, as well as in the job market.

This time we were with the AEA Cereal Killers team at the European Competition “RoboCup Júnior 2019”, which took place in Hannover – Germany between the 20th and 23rd of June.


AEA Cereal Killers at the Robocup Júnior 2019 competition and at the JPM Industry facilities.


“RoboCup Jr” comprises a set of competitions in robotics, in order to motivate young people to science and technology through robotics competitions.

The AEA Cereal Killers team, composed by the students Artur Silva and Samuel Tavares (students from the Professional Course in Electronics and Telecommunications at the “Escola Secundária de Arouca”), obtained the best classification among all the Portuguese school teams present in the competition.

This year, Portugal competed with 13 teams in different categories, with the score of 1170 points obtained by the team AEA Cereal Killers allowed it to rank in 10th place in the competition.

In a robotics contest with teams from 30 European countries competing, the “Agrupamento de Escolas de Arouca” in its first participation across borders, was valued for its participation, as well as for the experience and knowledge acquired by the participating elements.




Designação do projeto | Emprego altamente qualificado nas empresas
Código do projeto | NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000032
Objetivo principal | Contratação de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados
Região de intervenção | Norte
Entidade beneficiária | JPM – Automação e Equipamentos Industriais, S.A.

Data de aprovação | 03-07-2019
Data de início | 15-04-2019
Data de conclusão | 31-03-2022
Custo total elegível | 788.437,80 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | FEDER – 394.218,90 EUR


No âmbito do projeto a JPM pretende contratar novos recursos humanos altamente qualificados, que irão permitir a implementação da sua estratégia de inovação, que passa por:

I) Desenvolver novos e significativamente melhorados, produtos e soluções;

II) Entrar em novos segmentos industriais de elevado valor acrescentado (industrias automóvel, aeronáutico e mobiliário);

III) Desenvolver linhas industriais completas através de soluções chave-na-mão.





Designação do projeto | JPM2020
Código do projeto | POCI-02-0853-FEDER-034941
Objetivo principal | Reforçar a competitividade das pequenas e médias empresas
Região de intervenção | Norte
Entidade beneficiária | JPM – Automação e Equipamentos Industriais, S.A.

Data de aprovação | 06-02-2018
Data de início | 01-08-2017
Data de conclusão | 31-07-2019
Custo total elegível | 198.744,50 EUR
Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | FEDER – 89.435,03 EUR


O projeto JPM2020 consiste no aumento da capacidade de resposta ao mercado global através da introdução da filosofia Engineer-To-Order e de ferramentas de Business Intelligence e da digitalização da organização.



Facilities ExpansionMore

Facilities expansion

2017 takes on an important milestone in JPM Industry, with the expansion of the manufacturing area to 12 500 m2 in an investment of more than 1 million euros.

With this expansion the JPM Industry increasingly assumes its role as one of the major European players in the field of intralogistics. Increasing our capability to respond to market needs.

For Guilherme Cardoso, Commercial Director of JPM Industry:
“The expansion of the facility is a reflection of the growth of JPM Industry, predicting an increasingly promising future.”

2018 will be the beginning of another year into the future.

JPM Industry no LinkedinMore

JPM on Linkedin

De forma a estarmos cada vez mais próximos da comunidade, estamos agora presentes no Linkedin.

Uma rede social que assume um papel fundamental em negócios B2B. Aqui iremos mostrar o nosso dia-a-dia, partilhar notícias e novidades.

Faça parte da nossa rede e assuma um papel na história da JPM Industry.

JPM Industry on YoutubeMore

Jpm on Youtube

Getting acquainted with the day-to-day life of JPM Industry is becoming easier.

Nowadays video plays a fundamental role in the digital presence of a company and as such JPM Industry takes on a vanguard role by having a YOUTUBE channel where you can know inside our daily life, our products, the our solutions and on top of all our DNA.

Subscribe to our channel and keep up with news.