JPM Industry, according to its strategy and way of acting, supports educational initiatives. We believe in the stimulation and professional preparation of students, within the institution itself, as well as in the job market.

This time we were with the AEA Cereal Killers team at the European Competition “RoboCup Júnior 2019”, which took place in Hannover – Germany between the 20th and 23rd of June.


AEA Cereal Killers at the Robocup Júnior 2019 competition and at the JPM Industry facilities.


“RoboCup Jr” comprises a set of competitions in robotics, in order to motivate young people to science and technology through robotics competitions.

The AEA Cereal Killers team, composed by the students Artur Silva and Samuel Tavares (students from the Professional Course in Electronics and Telecommunications at the “Escola Secundária de Arouca”), obtained the best classification among all the Portuguese school teams present in the competition.

This year, Portugal competed with 13 teams in different categories, with the score of 1170 points obtained by the team AEA Cereal Killers allowed it to rank in 10th place in the competition.

In a robotics contest with teams from 30 European countries competing, the “Agrupamento de Escolas de Arouca” in its first participation across borders, was valued for its participation, as well as for the experience and knowledge acquired by the participating elements.




Law No. 93/2021 of 20 December, in force from 18 June 2022, establishes the general regime for the protection of whistleblowers, transposing Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law – Whistleblowing Law.


Any natural person who comes across information concerning infringements that they have obtained in the course of their professional activity, here included (i) employees, (ii) service providers, contractors, subcontractors and suppliers (or any persons under their supervision), (iii) the holders of shareholdings and members of statutory bodies, (iv) volunteers and trainees and (v) former employees and jobseekers. Whistleblowers are guaranteed the confidentiality of their identity or anonymity at all times or until such time as this information is required to safeguard the rights of defence of those affected by the complaint, within the scope of the investigations to which it gives rise or subsequent judicial proceedings. Confidential advice may also be sought to consider making a complaint. All complaints must be made in good faith and on reasonable grounds. Acts of retaliation against the complainant are prohibited.


To file a complaint or request confidential advice to consider filing a complaint, you should send your communication by:

Email address:


Postal communication: (with the reference “whistleblowing channel” on the envelope), addressed to the following recipient:
Ethics and Conduct Committee of the JPM Group.

Send to: Travessa da Zona Industrial – 1, 3730-601 Vila Cova de Perrinho, Vale de Cambra – Portugal



Our MISSION is to design, produce, deliver, and maintain technological solutions, equipment, conveyors, intralogistics systems, and turnkey factories for clients across multiple industrial domains on a global scale, maximizing value creation.



Our VISION is to grow sustainably and in the long term, acting as the main industrial partner for internationally scaled companies.



Focus, Excellence, Collaboration, Humility, Courage, and Ambition.



1.  Focus on the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders to ensure their satisfaction;

2. Provide solutions and services that adhere to the principles of QUALITY, SUSTAINABILITY, and SAFETY;

3. Meet established deadlines;

4. Ensure safe and healthy working conditions, preventing hazards and eliminating risks that could cause injuries and health issues related to the tasks performed;

5. Promote the development, motivation, consultation, and participation of employees to enhance their performance, increasing their value and thus contributing to the SUCCESS of the organization;

6. Promote continuous improvement of our processes and products;

7. Comply with legal requirements applicable to the organization’s activities and compliance obligations;

8. Promote the adoption of good environmental practices by raising awareness among our employees and implementing measures to control the environmental impacts associated with the organization’s activities, namely through the efficient use of natural resources and pollution prevention (minimizing waste production and its proper disposal; continuous efforts to reduce water and energy consumption; proper storage and handling of products potentially hazardous to the environment).



All personnel in the organization are committed to complying with this Policy and continuously improving the Management System. The Administration assumes responsibility for its implementation, dissemination, maintenance, and continuous improvement.

Facilities ExpansionMore

Facilities expansion

2017 takes on an important milestone in JPM Industry, with the expansion of the manufacturing area to 12 500 m2 in an investment of more than 1 million euros.

With this expansion the JPM Industry increasingly assumes its role as one of the major European players in the field of intralogistics. Increasing our capability to respond to market needs.

For Guilherme Cardoso, Commercial Director of JPM Industry:
“The expansion of the facility is a reflection of the growth of JPM Industry, predicting an increasingly promising future.”

2018 will be the beginning of another year into the future.

JPM Industry on YoutubeMore

Jpm on Youtube

Getting acquainted with the day-to-day life of JPM Industry is becoming easier.

Nowadays video plays a fundamental role in the digital presence of a company and as such JPM Industry takes on a vanguard role by having a YOUTUBE channel where you can know inside our daily life, our products, the our solutions and on top of all our DNA.

Subscribe to our channel and keep up with news.